Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ups and Downs

Quick update!

Bad news first:(
Though our leader Richelle has recovered completely from typhoid fever, our other teammate Elena has caught it, and is getting the regular treatment. She is doing very well for having this disease, and don't worry, it's very treatable. Our other teammates are getting blood tests in the morning just to make sure none of us are carrying it without knowing either.

Good news!
We resumed our village partnership school yesterday, and we had all kids who are not enrolled in school, so class sizes are down, and it's way more fun to teach! We taught today as well, and mine and Emma's class of older children were a joy as we taught them varying vowel sounds in the english language. We freshened up with songs, dances, and running laps while chanting the various vowel sounds we learned. It's hard to beat having forty teenage Ugandans eager to learn as I write letters and draw pictures on a makeshift blackboard which stands on an easel that sits before the group of kids, sitting in the grass under a huge shady tree in the midday Ugandan sun.

Please pray for my team's health as we all do not desire to be debilitated by diseases. God is good and will prevail, we know this much, but for every prayer we rejoice that you guys can be a part of our mission and support us in such a needed way. The second venture team departs in the morning, which means that we have 2 weeks left in Lira, before our excursion and our return home. Pray for our hearts to be ready for all that lies ahead, and that God would be known intimately in our hearts as we seek Him out every moment of our remaining time.

Obanga mi gum, my brothers, sisters, aunts, and uncles in America!

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